Asked Questions


You can start as low as $50.
All packages are Uniform in Terms of How Much Does a Package Earns per Day and that is 1.5% daily.
Every package has a lifetime once activated. Yes you are allowed to add more plans by actually activating them plans.
You are not allowed to have multiple accounts with the same details. One account for one person
We use USDT(TRC20) and BTC for Both Deposit and Withdrawal
We are a community of expert teams managing the best traders to trade on forex and cryptocurrency to generate profits by combining resources and sharing knowledge. Further, we have an ecosystem that have a whole lot of opportunities from trading, staking, mining, owning properties using NFts in the metaverse.
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets.
A blockchain is the technology on which cryptocurrency is based. A blockchain is basically a continuously growing list of records called blocks that are linked and secured using cryptography.
We believe in straightforwardness.Hence our strategies are: 1) raise funds, 2) leverage those funds to trade at best platforms and technology and, 3) other necessities at the lowest possible risk ,4) in a suitable facility, 5) distribute what we earn.